Monday, July 21, 2008

And so it begins... "The Koltz Times"

Hello all!! I know this is going to be a shock to most of you, but I am going to try to write on this new blog I created a few times a month to keep everyone up on the new & changing events in our family. Along with any additional fun events that may be going on for Pat, Sophia, or myself.

So this is my first posting, and really is just to let you all know this is out there for you to check out every now & then. I have a few girlfriends that do this, & I know I really enjoy checking out there updates a few times a month, so I am hoping you will all enjoy checking up on the three of us, and seeing what we are up to.

This is a short hello, I am actually in need of doing some reporting for work, and seeing as how it is 12:30 in the AM, I better stop putting it off, and get to it....

Thanx again for checking us out, and I promise there will be a few postings coming in the next few days...

Blog more soon... Carrie Ann

1 comment:

sareisinger48 said...

It will be so much fun to read and see every so often. Nice Job! She is so dam cute.